How to open password protected pdf documents
How to open password protected pdf documents

If there are multiple pages, you may try SnagIt since it can autoscroll and capture multiple pages of the document in one-go. Open the document in Acrobat Reader or Foxit and capture the PDF page as an image using any free screen capture software. Say you want to print a couple of pages from the PDF document but the document settings won't let you do that. When there are Copying or Printing Restrictions on PDF There are basically two types of PDF protection - the original PDF creator can either restrict opening the PDF file itself or he can restrict others from modifying, printing or copying text and graphics from the PDF file.

how to open password protected pdf documents

In his absence, you have no option but to crack the PDF password in order to open, read or print these PDF files. Say a former colleague created some critical sales reports in PDF format but he is not working with the company anymore. You have the legal right to open the encrypted PDF document but forgot the password like in the case below.

how to open password protected pdf documents how to open password protected pdf documents

There are sometimes genuine reasons to unlock or crack a password protected PDF file.

How to open password protected pdf documents